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So, a new discovery for me is that when deforming objects and using triplanar texture mapping, you need to have a 'rest' attribute on the geometry. Apologies for my previous renders.

That's quite logical, but it took me almost a day to figure that out.

Here's a short summary of what you need to do to use triplanar mapping on deforming objects:

  1. Create a 'rest' attribute for the geometry.

  2. Use a blend amount value of 1.0.

  3. Switch the projection space type to 'Reference'.

I feel that now I'm in proccess of comprehension of my artistic manifesto, finally.

My thoughts split in two directions now:

  1. From that moment, my every artwork is diptich. It's clearly constructed from 2 separate art pieces, but that work together. I came to this form when war started in my motherlend. In Ukraine. World splitted on two parts after that. My work as well.

  2. I'm augmented reality resercher. My every project is an application. That exists or will be exist. Application that empowers reality or cinematography.

Hmm, after writing that I see that it looks good. Maybe I'll publush that soon And I drеw small logo that illustrates my feel about this manifestation

Ivan Iarovoi

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